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  CrowdStrike Update: Windows Bluescreen and Boot Loops ( )
4484 points by BLKNSLVR 8 days ago | hide | 3850 comments
  Open source AI is the path forward ( )
2336 points by atgctg 3 days ago | hide | 886 comments
  Anyone can access deleted and private repository data on GitHub ( )
1940 points by __0x1__ 2 days ago | hide | 366 comments
  Panic at the Job Market ( )
1713 points by speckx 9 days ago | hide | 1564 comments
  My daughter (7 years old) used HTML to make a website ( )
1434 points by fintler 9 days ago | hide | 513 comments
  Show HN: DB of Startups Who Are Ready to Spend VC Money. Supercharge Your Sales ( )
1425 points by vcfundedstart 9 days ago | hide | 2 comments
  Run CUDA, unmodified, on AMD GPUs ( )
1330 points by Straw 11 days ago | hide | 404 comments
  AI solves International Math Olympiad problems at silver medal level ( )
1322 points by ocfnash 1 day ago | hide | 508 comments
  Show HN: VC Funded Startups RSS Feed ( )
1197 points by salesandmarket 8 days ago | hide | 1 comments
  We need visual programming. No, not like that ( )
1178 points by stopachka 15 days ago | hide | 494 comments
  Node.js adds experimental support for TypeScript ( )
1171 points by magnio 2 days ago | hide | 543 comments
  AT&T says criminals stole phone records of 'nearly all' customers in data breach ( )
1103 points by impish9208 14 days ago | hide | 813 comments
  Jailbreaking RabbitOS ( )
1087 points by Retr0id 9 days ago | hide | 265 comments
  Use a work journal ( )
1083 points by charles_f 14 days ago | hide | 293 comments
  Joe Biden stands down as Democratic candidate ( )
989 points by jsheard 5 days ago | hide | 1799 comments
  FCC votes to limit prison telecom charges ( )
981 points by Avshalom 7 days ago | hide | 424 comments
  Every company should be owned by its employees ( )
941 points by ellegriffin 2 days ago | hide | 1022 comments
  TinyPod – Apple Watch case with scroll wheel ( )
934 points by herbertl 9 days ago | hide | 344 comments
  Zed on Linux Is Here ( )
923 points by 0xedb 16 days ago | hide | 677 comments
  I am starting an AI+Education company ( )
915 points by bilsbie 10 days ago | hide | 540 comments
  NVIDIA Transitions Fully Towards Open-Source Linux GPU Kernel Modules ( )
881 points by shaicoleman 9 days ago | hide | 254 comments
  Scientists discover a cause of lupus, possible way to reverse it ( )
834 points by adamredwoods 16 days ago | hide | 186 comments
  So you think you know box shadows? ( )
772 points by yohannesk 5 days ago | hide | 116 comments
  Type in Morse code by repeatedly slamming your laptop shut ( )
744 points by OuterVale 11 days ago | hide | 159 comments
  Crowdstrike Outage Causing Widespread Issues ( )
741 points by raasdnil 8 days ago | hide | 3 comments
  Kawaii – A Keychain-Sized Nintendo Wii ( )
740 points by realslimjd 4 days ago | hide | 214 comments
  Copying is the way design works ( )
731 points by innerzeal 4 days ago | hide | 236 comments
  I mapped almost every USA traffic death in the 21st century ( )
728 points by Bencarneiro 7 days ago | hide | 441 comments
  The Typeset of Wall·E (2018) ( )
712 points by drones 15 days ago | hide | 88 comments
  Import and Export Markdown in Google Docs ( )
652 points by pentagrama 10 days ago | hide | 133 comments

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